
orgies. cream. ass. drugs. teletubbies. angels. candy. tampons. conversation. music. vomit. familiarism. driving. getting lost. driving. cab rides. showers. more candy. a hot potato. a sketchbook. two king sized beds. two king sized bathrooms. a ledge to commit suicide off of. a huge overpriced fountain. walking. teamsters. microsoft employees. interesting carpet. david ralph. repetition. humidity.… Continue reading Oakenfold


I’m walking through a crowded area, like a concert of some sort. There is noise and shuffling but I don’t recall hearing any tangible music. I notice a man walking towards me that a vaguely recognize but cant remember for the life of me where I know him from. He approaches me and we begin… Continue reading Vulva


welp, i finally did it. i now have a pierced clitoral hood. i went there wanting a horizontal captive bead ring but came out with a 12 gauge vertical barbell. im happy with it. it looks great. 🙂 i think ill stick to barbells, considering i really like the one in my navel.. except for… Continue reading Piercings


This group of dreams are fading fast, I had the first in the beginning of my sleep followed by a few more which centered around the same thing – Whitey dies. The first started out as a party at our place. I wasnt very happy with him for some reason already and when I had… Continue reading Conflict


i was so afraid of going to the dentist, i was virtually in tears at work before i had to leave and needed to call my daddy for comfort. i dont care who thinks im a pussy. i really REALLY dislike people fucking with my body. doctors or dentists or whatever, the thought of being… Continue reading Teef


The first name of Nee leads you to assume considerable responsibility and to prefer to work independently, without direction or interference from others because you have very definite ideas of your own. Your mind is quick to comprehend and you can be depended upon to do any job well. Because you tend to be somewhat… Continue reading Names


It starts off in a house, that feels like Lys’, where I currently live.. but isn’t. The house in this dream is bigger and nicer. I think we’re rich. Ly and my dad are going to go out to the movies or something, but shes doing a little touch up mopping before they have to… Continue reading Cement