These dreams go on

At times in my life (historically when I’ve been very cyclicly stressed and/or surfacing a trauma or transformation), my dreams hang on after I’ve woken up. Along with lucid and recurring dreaming, there have been times I will wake from a dream, open my eyes, sit up, and still be seeing the dream scene as… Continue reading These dreams go on

ROAD UPDATE: Fort Walton Beach

Originally posted to my Patrons at Right now I am hanging out in the van with the side door open, out of the wind but in the sun from my waist down. The temperature is perfect like this, mid 60’s and cloudless, and I still have lots of time left in my day to… Continue reading ROAD UPDATE: Fort Walton Beach


“If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.” – Tony Gaskins


Alice was a good music bet. Dreamed intensely of storms and preparations and rivalries, hope, nonexistent creatures, and changing landscapes.

Categorized as Music Tagged

“Madness lingers” – Music from Alice

(if player doesn’t load, please install/update flash) | titles=Alice Madness Returns: Lost Soul,Alice Madness Returns: Cello Celleste,Alice Madness Returns: Dr. Bumby,Alice Madness Returns: Chapter 3 Intro,Alice Madness Returns: Into Londerland,Alice Madness Returns: Orphanage,Alice Madness Returns: Card Castles,Alice Madness Returns: To Wonderland, Alice Madness Returns: Surreal,Alice Madness Returns: In The Sky,Alice Madness Returns: Hyde Park,Alice… Continue reading “Madness lingers” – Music from Alice


I just remembered part of a dream I had last night, which consisted of an amazing band that had invented and built their own beautiful, strangely shaped string instruments. That glowed. And sounded amazing. I love benedryl coupled with Pandora.

Categorized as Music Tagged

The Kerry Dream

So I had this dream about Bush and Kerry, I will try to remember the details. Bush and Kerry are giving speeches, but it’s in like a hotel meeting room that has those flimsy wall separators up, and each of them have their own room. The dream starts as Bush is ending his speech, his… Continue reading The Kerry Dream

Kitty Punt

So last night I’m dreaming, and somehow the situation comes to my having to fend off particularly large dogs with only my hands and feet. Generally they weren’t in attack mode, so I could fend them off fairly easily by waving my arms or whatever. Eventually though, this one dog decides to puncture my left… Continue reading Kitty Punt

Ghosts that haunt me.

I had a really fucked up dream last night involving Rick the Psycho(tm) and my ex Frank (moderately psycho but mostly just a lying shiznit) getting kicked out of my house (when Frank told Rick he could crash there in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping) killing my 4 year old aunt,… Continue reading Ghosts that haunt me.


i dont often stop to consider if i am as happy as i could possibly be right now, because the answer is always no. the main reason for this is that so little is actually known to me about my purpose here. occasionally, though.. at the strangest of times (in the shower) i feel the… Continue reading Purpose