
I’m walking through a crowded area, like a concert of some sort. There is noise and shuffling but I don’t recall hearing any tangible music. I notice a man walking towards me that a vaguely recognize but cant remember for the life of me where I know him from. He approaches me and we begin talking, and I keep offering up places we could have possibly met before, trying to figure out who he is. He mentions that he knew someone, an Indian guy, by the name of Peonic (pee-nick) that I met him through. I instantly remember Peonic but still don’t really know who this guy is. He informs me that hes gained a lot of weight since he saw me last. Ok.

We leave the crowd and start walking around the abandoned street, as it is approaching 2am and this is a sleepy town. We meet up with two other people I no longer remember anything about and enter a Tower Records which looks like more of a ‘World of wonders’ store. You know, the kind that carries things like those neat panels that have electricity jolting through them and the electro-magnetic orbs that respond to touch. Although the store is obviously closed, the door is unlocked.. so we play around with the merchandise and talk.

The dream then shifts to all of us hanging out where they keep the beanbag and inflatable chairs waiting for the sun to come up and things to open so we have something to do. We all sit up rather quickly when two people walk in, a man (who looks remarkably like frank, my ex) and a thick dark haired woman.. presumably to open the store. Needless to say they weren’t thrilled at us being there. They accused us of attempting to rob the place and made a big deal about us being in the store and wouldn’t allow us to go on our merry way. To end the argument I told the guy to look through my god damn backpack (ironically the same one I actually carry) and to shut the fuck up.

I turned to look at something in a display.. probably key chains or something, and when I turned back around the jerk was gone with my bag. The group of us who had originally been partying the night away in this supposed tower records went bolting out the door to follow him, and ended up running into the middle of a shopping mall. Wackiness ensues as we frantically bolt from store to store looking for the REAL thief.

We finally catch up to him in a store with no real definition. He sees us, and runs. As he runs past me I rip the bag from him causing him to lose his balance, then promptly beat him to death with my fists. We were all quite proud. I kicked his corpse a few more times, and we were off to go “home” and sit around doing nothing there.

Once at whoevers’ home we ended up at (it sure as hell didn’t feel like mine) we all found our comfortable spots and talked for a while. I ended up laying on the floor with my torso propped up by some massively big and fluffy pillows. I then looked down to discover that at this point I didn’t have any pants on. I noticed my piercing and decided to play with it. This all seemed totally natural to everyone there including me, I guess half nakedness wasn’t inhibited in this particular reality any more than killing someone was.

Gently, I tucked my finger under my clit to get a better look at the bottom ball of my barbell. I felt a slight suction as my vulva separated from my body and settled itself into my palm, much as the top of a carved pumpkin is easily removed. This.. had never happened to me before. I sat up and stared at it, wide eyed, almost in a panic, until I realized that i was not in any pain. In my mind, no pain means it’s probably not too big of a deal.

Once the reality that I was holding my womanhood in the palm of my hand settled in, I examined it. I had no idea my crotch was detachable until now. Since everything I had already seen a million times over was facing my palm, I chose to examine what used to be my inner wall first.

The entire thing was a soft 3 sided triangle shape, the shortest of sides being the horizontal ‘top’ near my piercing, which is usually where my landing strip begins. At the point of the triangle was a softly curved lip, like the underside of a crab, which apparently hooked the entire structure into place along the strong tendon between vagina and anus. It was really quite amazing looking.

Upon examination of this lip at the top of my upside down triangle, I noticed that the top layer of the skin of what used to be my inner wall could be pulled back, like the skin of a banana, and equally as thick. It was slightly peeled already and the texture of it was consistent all the way up behind my clit, and the other end was solid which eliminated any possibility of peeling this skin back and never being able to put it back on.

I slowly peeled it away from the larger mass and was surprised to see a variety of jewelry pierced in it. Jeweled barbells, jeweled rings.. captive bead rings and some other really pretty shit I had never even seen before. I would say that there were about 15 hidden piercings nestled in there, undiscovered until now.

I decided to get up and show everyone else. When I did, a large amount of fluid came gushing from the opening between my legs, as if I were pregnant and my water had just broke. The gush of clearish fluid got everyones attention, and they all kind of looked at me with my vulva in hand standing with my legs apart and stared for a minute, then advised me to try to put my crotch back in. I tended to agree, because my inner workings were not very air-friendly, and I was starting to get an uncomfortable sensation from being so wide open.

Now with an intent audience, I laid back down and positioned my filled hand appropriately, attempting to align my two body parts correctly. After sliding the thing around for a while I realized that I must not be catching something right and asked for a mirror.

Getting a real look inside my body was an eye opener as well. The opening which had once had the tissue structure of what was now in my palm lead to a cavernous space.. almost as if i were hollow. Without ovaries, tubes.. etc. The cavern didn’t extend through my body, I still had what would be equal to a cervix acting as a firewall between the outside world and my internal organs.

Everything was smooth, and natural looking. No blood, no torn skin. I was still moist, and warm.. coloration was normal, etc. I suppose if you were to take a magnified perspective from a pap smear and blow it up to the scale of my body, that’s what it looked like. Without those horrible cold clamps.

Except for one little thing. I had what I would describe as a thick dowel protruding from my back wall. It was comprised of flesh, as far as I could tell. I didn’t touch it. The air was causing enough sensitivity already. It was about 6 inches long, and about the thickness of your average penis, but it was smooth and perfectly rounded at the end. I decided that this must be what I needed to catch on in order to put myself back together.I positioned my vulva over its intended resting place again, and started gently sliding around trying to get it to settle into place again.

I either woke up at this point, or simply don’t remember the rest.