
“Healing wounds requires a strong enough sense of self to be able to accept the crap we have pulled in service to them.” – Nekole Malia Shapiro

Integration Phase: Thoughts on Rape Culture and the existence of Lady Privilege.

As my rape culture post has circulated on Medium, and the conversation has continued, I’ve found myself annoyed. The men who are talking, nearly invariably, debate. They argue the definition of consent, they argue the definition of rape, they tell me I’m being too hard on myself and others, they worry about the definition of… Continue reading Integration Phase: Thoughts on Rape Culture and the existence of Lady Privilege.

Experiment: 1000 words

Challenge: Relegate my targetedly offensive language (against women, mentally ill, etc). Duration: Ongoing Compendious Result: The road, she is long. I’m exploring how my language use reflects in the social consideration I’ve been developing the last few years. I rather automatically say a lot of things that bother myself now, after discovering that everything I… Continue reading Experiment: 1000 words

Meeting the maker

I’m pretty sure I’m at another one of those places in my life where a big internal shift is about to click into place after multiple weeks of limping around funny, like when every step hurts your ankle because the bones aren’t lining up quite right. I am transforming. It is intense and embarrassing and… Continue reading Meeting the maker