New experiment

For the summer: Focus only on artistic and social justice related projects that I would want to post about on patreon or my mailing list.  Tired of social media. 

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To go gently

Isn’t it kinda weird that crowdfunding sites, where people literally ask widely for money to deal with a dead friend or try to pay for their medical care, are for-profit companies?  That just seems weird to me.  . It occured to me today that one of the reasons I despise the idea of volunteering my… Continue reading To go gently

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Serendipitous gifts

“The role of the artist is exactly the same as the role of the lover. If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see.” James Baldwin Just now, I texted everyone I have a current iMessage conversation with “Thank you for being human with me”. It is because… Continue reading Serendipitous gifts


I notice my body changing. It happened in my 20’s also, in a specific shift, when I went from being sedentary to active. This time, it’s the other way around. Things are softer and they are settling. I have begun to show my age. I notice it, especially, during the times in my cycle when… Continue reading #bloated


I totally painted myself up and made homegrown weirdo solo porn vids last night and its mine mine mine and you don’t get to have it because my body and my sexuality and my dorky performative fantasies are mine, mine, mine. They exist and they’re Mine. Put that in your hole and fuck it. In… Continue reading Privates

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The fucks I no longer give

Sometimes, people who hold power over you behave like selfish, entitled, manipulative, thieving assholes, and there just isn’t a god damn fucking thing you can do about it. — If being mostly-away from Facebook has taught me anything, it’s the danger and the psychological impact of masturbatory propaganda. Especially the kind that says what you… Continue reading The fucks I no longer give

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