“Finished” sketches

These drawings represent a few milestones for me artistically. Firstly, it is while creating these tiny sketches (2×3″) in my sketchbook yesterday that I was able to draw, for the first time in memory, a recognizable likeness on purpose. And then I did it again, multiple times! Secondly, as to my emerging cartoon style, I… Continue reading “Finished” sketches


A few years ago my dear friend Matt Lewis once mused during lunch about “What you could accomplish if someone just wrote you a check”. I fantasized for a moment, and quickly snickered. Like that would ever happen. Fast forward to now, when I’ve just had one of the most interesting conversations of my life.… Continue reading Untitled

Looking out for #1

The last year has been… hard. The last few weeks… have reminded me that sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall into place. New client this morning, local 360 lunch and shopping for tea and sexkitten pretties with David, currently sipping sangria while awaiting a prescreening of Pacific Rim (mech vs. godzilla)… Continue reading Looking out for #1


“I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.” – Booker T. Washington

Conversion Rate: Saving for a TinyHouse

No longer am I a person who holds the stifling and consistently disappointing belief that I must count on the concerted efforts of a parter, selling my soul to a horrible desk job or winning a lottery I don’t play to make home happen for me. On this, the day the world should end, I… Continue reading Conversion Rate: Saving for a TinyHouse

Rock Lobster: Finding home

Ever since I can remember really, I’ve felt a deep sadness when passing seafood tanks full of crab and lobster in the supermarkets. The way they’re piled in on one another with their claws drawn shut, robbed of their dignity and eventually their lives, bothers me. Deeply, profoundly, seeing them treated that way has always… Continue reading Rock Lobster: Finding home


As of today, December 13th 2012, according to my financial spreadsheet, I have broken into the black and made $176 in profits from my artwork and music this year. \m/ \m/

Stay small

I remember some time a few years ago, I heard part of an interview with Coldplay in which one of the band members was asked if bad reviews and the vicious comments that are made about them hurt. He said yes, and I was both impressed with his vulnerable honesty and saddened in how much… Continue reading Stay small