
Considering this as my new personal motto. “It’s not my job to make you a better man and I don’t give a shit if I’ve made you a better man. It’s not a fucking woman’s job to be consumed and invaded and spat out so that some fucking man can evolve.” ~ Jenny Schecter

When I can’t sleep

Oh, the things you find in your Scrapbook on DeviantART at 3:20 in the morning.. http://neebow.deviantart.com/art/When-I-can-t-sleep-188293981 (Very NSFW) And something I thought would have been long deleted.. http://neebow.deviantart.com/art/Empire-of-Sadness-56112016 (Might be NSFW) Empire of Sadness, indeed. It’s creepy what shows through in art long before you realize it in reality, and how it takes hindsight to… Continue reading When I can’t sleep


Stars cannot shine without darkness, ya bunch of hippie dippie happyloving fuckers.


“You tried to change, didn’t you? Closed your mouth more, tried to be softer, prettier, less volatile, less awake… You can’t make homes out of human beings. Someone should have already told you that.” ~ Warsan Shire


When I was contemplating what I might call the most recent incarnation of my signature aerial act, (“Zita Begins” doesn’t really fit, now that I simply perform as myself without a persona) I thought about what the act represents for me at its core more than anything. These are the things I realized (and a… Continue reading Rise


I’m slowly preparing for my performance on Friday, and been thinking about my act a lot. How it’s matured and shifted over the years, mostly in subtle and internal ways that only I have really noticed. How rarely I perform it and why that’s how it should be. How differently I view and judge my… Continue reading Mirror

The Mask

My choreography for my (public, and for charity) performance on the 22nd is basically already written, and basically always was. Though I haven’t had the chance to perform my favorite act very often, I know it like the curve of my own hip. I also know whatever changes I do make, or whatever snafu’s happen… Continue reading The Mask

Living lean: cleaning out clutter in my life.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my house, and how I got to this place of being EXCITED to live in ~200sft, from where I was when I was younger. At one point when I was about 15, I realized that I’d never be able to run away from home unless I figured out what… Continue reading Living lean: cleaning out clutter in my life.