Breaking Bad: R.I.P. XP-30, 2001-2013

Yesterday, while troubleshooting glitching technology, again, rather than practicing music, again, I came to a place of silence. I stopped hitting buttons and searching google, and sat, and thought. I had already emailed the event coordinators for Tomb and the Womb and said that due to technical difficulties I would not be singing “Covering Lisa”… Continue reading Breaking Bad: R.I.P. XP-30, 2001-2013

..and the cycle repeats

Out of habit, I wanna hate 2011. But it was pretty awesome. Just created a quick, lovely, delicate, subtle, and yet tasting almost like beef broth by saving the runoff from my kale, in which I: [singlepic id=2924 w=200 float=right]Cast iron sauteed leek, fennel (removed after cooking), fresh thyme and fresh rosemary in Grapeseed oil,… Continue reading ..and the cycle repeats