Hole lot of crap

lots of shit going on lately. picked t12 up fromthe airport on thursday, hes visiting here for a while before goingto new york and god knows where else. he brought goodies with him,so i spent most of thursday evening on acid laughing my ass offlike a freak. man did i need that. this is what… Continue reading Hole lot of crap


orgies. cream. ass. drugs. teletubbies. angels. candy. tampons. conversation. music. vomit. familiarism. driving. getting lost. driving. cab rides. showers. more candy. a hot potato. a sketchbook. two king sized beds. two king sized bathrooms. a ledge to commit suicide off of. a huge overpriced fountain. walking. teamsters. microsoft employees. interesting carpet. david ralph. repetition. humidity.… Continue reading Oakenfold