Heavy in your arms (updated)

https://soundcloud.com/soundofnee/im-so-heavy-fatm-cover-in-progress Originally created by Florence and the Machine I was a heavy heart to carry My beloved was weighed down My arms around his neck My fingers laced to crown. I was a heavy heart to carry My feet dragged across ground And he took me to the river Where he slowly let me drown… Continue reading Heavy in your arms (updated)

My Red Violin

[singlepic id=4645 w=240 float=left] I nearly didn’t continue to paint this with how beautiful the blood varnish looked on its own, but I am glad I did. I would have been happy with either design but this one is so much more distinctive and unique to me and my style. It’s nearly complete but still… Continue reading My Red Violin


[singlepic id=2027 w=120 float=right][singlepic id=2025 w=120 float=left]Gessoing over a painting on an old canvas for the 5th time. This will be the last; either this next piece on that canvas ends up being something I want to keep, or I burn it. Sometimes canvases just aren’t right. Shown are some of the previous incarnations I’ve… Continue reading Entropy

New style

First attempt. Acrylic and blood on canvas. This is an update to http://blog.neevita.net/archives/11688 and still in progress. [singlepic id=3545 w=550 float=center]

Commission for Ruth: In progress

I love a good commission! This one is turning out a great dark scheme with more yellows in the greens than I’ve worked with before. Thinking of adding some purple and blood accents. In progress. [singlepic id=3542 w=550 float=center]