
I don’t feel anymore. Not really. It’s more an echo of what feeling was like, an echo of what traveling in a flesh and pulsing nutrient water casing was like. I exist in sensory deprivation, not having senses. I do still have consciousness and empathy, which actually feels pretty serene now that I no longer… Continue reading After

R.I.P. Zita the Aerialist, 2004-2012

This year, more than most and less than some, has been a year of letting things go and allowing new things in. In that vein, it seems another identifying aspect of my life has come to a close. Once first recognizing mixed feelings regarding how to credit my aerial acts in “Embodied”, and after months… Continue reading R.I.P. Zita the Aerialist, 2004-2012

Starter Home

[singlepic id=”2637″ w=”550″ float=”center”] Gorgeous abandoned home in Rio Linda, on Elkhorn Blvd. Taken in the summer of 2011 during my 2 week road trip. My guess is that by now it’s gone, as Rio Linda has been exploding in housing development since I left Sacramento in 1998, and I couldn’t find the structure on… Continue reading Starter Home


[singlepic id=2027 w=120 float=right][singlepic id=2025 w=120 float=left]Gessoing over a painting on an old canvas for the 5th time. This will be the last; either this next piece on that canvas ends up being something I want to keep, or I burn it. Sometimes canvases just aren’t right. Shown are some of the previous incarnations I’ve… Continue reading Entropy

Love Shack

[singlepic id=”2627″ w=”550″ float=”center”] I can’t believe this is still here.. A tiny abandonded shack on Blake Road, in Wilton California (where I grew up). Taken During my 2011 road trip down the Oregon coast, to Sacramento, Vegas for Defcon 19, LA and back up.


The sight of shellfish stacked together in a tank makes me irrationally sad, since i dont mind actually eating them. Maybe it’s the incarceration part of it. 🙁