Elimination: Part Duex

‎1 banana, hemp milk, a few heaping fistfulls of braising greens, mango and blueberry. Vitamix that shit — Booya. First elimination breakfast of 2011.

I’m so sick of being sick, and I like to tell myself that avoiding bread and cheese most of the time is enough, but I feel like at the very least I need another elimination and to stop trusting restaurant ingredients for a while.

So, it’s back to no refined sugar, no wheat, no dairy, no soy, no corn, no oats, no barley, no rye, no corn syrup, no alcohol, no nightshades, limited spice and citrus, and no risks when I eat out.

Not sure how long I’ll do it, but I’m hoping this time I can get even more specific about what it is that sets my body off and if I find anything new, I’ll post about it. I’m also feeling like I need to get back in touch with food in the more substantial ways I was when I was eating more intentionally.

In the meantime, if so inclined you can read about my dietary adventures from last year, which is what I am basing this elimination on as well.

It’ll be easier this time, since I have all but cut out 80% of what I list already, but I do cheat occasionally and I’m getting the sense that though I don’t double over in debilitation when I do, my system is too sensitive to fuck around with it as much as I have.