The Opening

You sit alone in the dark of an ornate theater, front row center. The massive stage sits empty, curtains swung open, adorning the sides of the performance space like a pair of french doors folded into the inside of a well consolidated room. The folds of the deep red fabric run horizontal, dipping and rising… Continue reading The Opening


Still contemplating whether I’m going to act in Minor. I think, maybe, I might be done with that type of acting, and sometimes I wonder if maybe it would be just the right shade of amazing to at least go through the process of auditioning some younger girls for it. I guess the plan is… Continue reading Untitled

Minor, soon to be.

Many thanks to everyone who has been responding to my question: What immediately comes to mind when presented with the phrase “Inner Child”. The profundity of the subject matter in my work often becomes clear only in the moment when I finally start talking with others about it. I have some great inspiration and ideas… Continue reading Minor, soon to be.