
“It’s really hard to hate someone for being different when you’re too busy laughing together.” -George Takei


“Someone needs to tell Newt that the nomination has cancer, so he’ll leave it.” – reddit


Oh, that clarifying moment when you realize although most of it is still good, its not worth picking the slimey leaves out of that unopened spinach bag.


I want to swipe the heads off of the people who are bullying Rebecca Black, and the “producers” that put her up to making such a godawful music video. That metal version of “Friday” is fucking funny, though.

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ER visit: expensive, Time off work: Expensive, Medications: Not as expensive as I thought, Waking up ravenous after 15 hours of sleep and sniffing out a 2 day old double chocolate trophy cupcake sitting on my desk and eating the fucking shit out of that fucker: Priceless.


“I have a mohawk and some ideas.”

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