
[singlepic id=2984 w=200 float=left]My morning has consisted of sleeping til 11, extending my hair back to the asymmetrical natural color I had back in 2006 (and it only took me half an hour!), making myself an awesome brunch of sundried tomato and goat cheese ravioli in kale and chicken stock I made from scratch that… Continue reading Extended


The protected post “I Made This” is a sneak peak mp3 for the people involved in the production of Embodied, most of whom are my kickstarter backers. In a post that only backers can view on at kickstarter, I linked them to that entry and gave them the password — and I also said this:… Continue reading Protection


4 hours sleep, artistic exuberance, chemical burned eyeballs, 17 miles biked, laying a beautiful instrument to rest, a wonderful show, topped with kisses under the sliver of a nearly new moon. Full day.