An introverted peace

For as long as I can remember, I have identified with with my thinking, and being thought of, as a naturally extroverted, gregarious, outgoing person. It wasn’t a conscious choice, it just happened somehow that I caught onto the facts that a) I did well at creating myself as the center of attention and b)… Continue reading An introverted peace


“Art making is like being badly sunburned: you’re peeling, you’re trying to get the layers of the world off you to get to yourself.” —Michael Goldberg


Thank god for the internet or I never would have done anything artful in front of anyone.

Embodied, Nov 9/10

[singlepic id=2661 w=240 float=left] Embodied is a one-woman show illustrating a musical journey, and a rare public performance including much of my original music and distinctive cover songs. It depicts the sense of the personality fragmentation in youth, and the experience of slowly piecing ones self together to truly be a whole person. There will… Continue reading Embodied, Nov 9/10

Take Me

[singlepic id=2657 w=550 h=0 float=center] Photographed by Chris Clark


The protected post “I Made This” is a sneak peak mp3 for the people involved in the production of Embodied, most of whom are my kickstarter backers. In a post that only backers can view on at kickstarter, I linked them to that entry and gave them the password — and I also said this:… Continue reading Protection

SEAF 2011

Thank you to Adam Harrison for shooting this image, and so much to everyone who attended the Seattle Erotic Art Festival and allowed me a window into themselves this weekend. I was ambiently performing both Friday and Saturday evenings on a pedestal. Some of the connections through that mask were absolutely amazing. So many people… Continue reading SEAF 2011