Life in a Box – base images

[autoviewer id=”89″ width=”500″ height=”500″] These are versions of the base images I am printing to 8×8 stretched/framed canvases this week for my Life in a Box project. After doing so, I’ll be adding acrylics and epoxy to enhance the images with corresponding translucent colors and glitters/metallic flakes, and give them a thick, shiny finish with… Continue reading Life in a Box – base images

Life in a Box is funded.

I am very pleased to announce that “Life in a Box” will become reality thanks to Kickstarter. If the Kickstarter goal is further exceeded today, it will be applied to the project, either by printing larger canvases, more canvases, creating an artistic hanging solution for the canvases, adding a sound element to the installation, or… Continue reading Life in a Box is funded.


[singlepic id=3531 w=240 float=left]Life in a Box; a mixed media project made possible by Kickstarter. My deepest gratitude goes to my Kickstarter backers: Pam Anderson, David Lydon, Gail Lydon, Colby Perry, Greg Rubin, Omri Alon, Michaela Eaves, Jon Nelson, Colleen Mathis, Scott Steffy, Robert Scott, Roseanne Edson, Ryan Lane, Daniele, Butangas, and The WILD SIDE… Continue reading CURRENT PROJECT: Life in a Box

Embodied, Nov 9/10

[singlepic id=2661 w=240 float=left] Embodied is a one-woman show illustrating a musical journey, and a rare public performance including much of my original music and distinctive cover songs. It depicts the sense of the personality fragmentation in youth, and the experience of slowly piecing ones self together to truly be a whole person. There will… Continue reading Embodied, Nov 9/10