Mothers Day

[singlepic id=1534 w=450] A very bad photo of a very lovely painting. 10×20″ Acrylic.

Categorized as Art Tagged

Samorost the sequel!

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I played a little flash game called samorost. I’d never seen something so well made in flash. I fell in love with it, and at the time, I wrote the author and asked if he wanted me to mirror his game on phuqed. He agreed,… Continue reading Samorost the sequel!

Awesomeness abound

I’m not writing much. Things are great. I’m rather busy with hair orders, paintings, directing my show, choreographing acts, training aerial, performing music, doing spa sessions, learning french (:D), wrapping up my stead at the chiro office and thoroughly enjoying doing what I love to do. Obsidian opens Nov 15th at LRS and is going… Continue reading Awesomeness abound

Categorized as Art Tagged

Art-a-Thon 2008

Man. I am beat. And sore. And super happy. Or something like it. The art-a-thon was largely transformative (or, transportive?) for me, in many ways. It was an intense weekend. More happened than I am willing to document, both for the sake of my poor body and because I want to hold some of it… Continue reading Art-a-Thon 2008