It took all the man in me, to be the thug you wanted me to be

I’ve been thinking a lot about attraction, sexuality, and what tends to drive mine, lately. Since putting out an ad and having sex with someone for very different reasons than I’ve generally had sex before, I’ve come to articulate some really interesting aspects of what drives my fucking that formerly only showed themselves as atmospheric… Continue reading It took all the man in me, to be the thug you wanted me to be

Awesomeness abound

I’m not writing much. Things are great. I’m rather busy with hair orders, paintings, directing my show, choreographing acts, training aerial, performing music, doing spa sessions, learning french (:D), wrapping up my stead at the chiro office and thoroughly enjoying doing what I love to do. Obsidian opens Nov 15th at LRS and is going… Continue reading Awesomeness abound

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