
[singlepic id=2145 w=320 h=240 float=center] I have created a very fat, very fuzzy, very red owl. He’s.. uh. A product of trial and error. And a sleek, pinstripe, goth owl, also a product of trial and error, but a bit more trial than error this time though I still don’t like the shape. And a… Continue reading Owls

Back to my r00ts

Every few weeks, I tend to experience a span of multiple days where I am incredibly creative in some project, or type of projects. They usually involve very few people, and are generally things I can accomplish basically alone. It’s the time in my life where I simply have no tolerance for petty bullshit, especially… Continue reading Back to my r00ts

Get in muh belly!

More here M&M concept by photographer David Lydon. Art direction by Kirsten Lauzon. I got to lay there and have candy stuck to me.

Gift from Ariel

Ariel, my hair client today, brought me a lovely gift when she arrived to have her dreads installed. An origami flower ball she made. [singlepic id=1701 w=400 float=center] I’m captivated, and I think I know what my next obsessive crafting excursion is going to end up being… [singlepic id=1703 w=320 float=center] My first simple green… Continue reading Gift from Ariel

On creative fire..

It really floors me how much I accomplish in the middle of the night, when I feel so fried I wouldn’t think I could concentrate on anything. I’ve been sewing a lot the last few days. Pictures aren’t much.. but it is almost 4:30 in the morning afterall. [nggtags gallery=choker float=middle] Thanks for the birthday… Continue reading On creative fire..