Bosque Village Gallery

Taken by Brian Fey

Images from The Bosque Village, Eronga, Yotatiro, and Patzcuaro. Check out the videos also at and

Over three weeks at The Bosque

Learning Spanish

Behold: an hour of unscripted and unedited blabbing about my first three weeks at The Bosque, my mobile life in general, poop, art, conserving water, and things I thought might be interesting the the absence of virtually any input at all from my audience 😛 And a highlight edit of my trip to Eronga… Continue reading Over three weeks at The Bosque

Roosters last day

The rooster I killed for meat at The Bosque

My slow start to my day includes sitting here gnawing on the leg of a rooster I killed for meat yesterday. Watching the video was actually much more emotional for me than doing it. I think that illuminates some things for me, including how tender and anxious I am about how I am perceived by… Continue reading Roosters last day