Behold: The Itty Bitty Hizzy Committee

Building a kickass little house is awesome!

Building a kickass little house is also a lot of work, requiring a lot of skills, many of which I do not yet have, as well as many other skills I do have but probably can’t exercise all at once.

Are you shitballs excited that the Tiny House is happening and wanna help? Do you have carpentry experience, know about roofing, solar panels, instant water heaters? Architecture? Welding? Running electrical? Composting toilets?

Can you hammer a nail without hammering your ass to the wall, mostly? What about cooking for a dozen people, running water, or errands? Can you point a video camera and document the process for my Patrons? What about editing video? Got a truck? A clawfoot tub? Do you wanna throw money at me like confetti?

If you’re local to Seattle (and maybe even if you’re not..) and know how to do something, we can probably use you, either right away or next year when the build starts. And if you have build materials or tools, we might want those, too.

That is why I have created C-Rex’s Itty Bitty Hizzy Committee.

Currently it’s a mailchimp list, so I can get a list of people’s email addresses and their opt-in consent to badger them about what they may have to offer.

For now, it’ll be a bit of a catch-all list, but as the project ramps up and I understand more about how the types of needs I have will flow, I’ll probably branch it out into a spreadsheet filtered by talent or something like that to spare everyone spam.

For now, if you think you’re gonna want to be involved in this project at some point, sign up and get your head counted!