Open Mic Achievement: Unlocked.

I have finally been to and performed at an open mic. I finally found one that I liked the vibe of, at Scratch Deli, where I am also currently showing my artwork. Saw it last week, tried it this one.

I was definitely off my game, as well as being tired and poorly fed today. I struggled a lot with playing the keyboard in particular and my songs using other instruments are out of practice. That sucked some of the enjoyment out of it for me. I thought about bailing when rehearsing today, it felt so off.

But I played anyway, like the pro’s do, and it wasn’t half bad. Didn’t feel great, but wasn’t terrible and panic inducing like recital situations have been. Never warmed up really, It’s halfway through the third song that I start loosening up and we’re done after 3. I fucked up on every song, but within the scale, and covered it well/recovered smoothly.

The plan is to keep going to open mic’s on a regular basis so as to get to the point eventually where I don’t dislike it. Also met a few people who run the circuit who I hope to run into again.

Video exists. I will decide whether it’s postable after I see it. If so, it will occupy this space within the next few days.