Learning the Liquid Spear Waltz

By ear, about 45 minutes in or so, started learning it today on a whim.

I think this will be a really fun song to improvise to vocally once I can play it without squinting and trying so hard. Lord knows I have it memorized deep into the pits of my cavernous bitchy little soul.

I have show ideas brewing, but don’t know what I might do with them yet. I’d like to play for people again soon, though.


Watched Donnie Darko for the first time in years. My takeaway was being aware, again, nostalgically, of how taken I was by that movie. I spent months contemplating the meanings and soaked myself in the music and made so much art to that soundtrack. He even reminded me of my last ‘childhood’ ex before transcending into adulthood. Donnie was real to me. I miss being taken like that, geeking out and being unabashedly obsessive and inspired. It just doesn’t seem to happen like that anymore. In that way, I think the drinking really helped.