The year is half over..

You know that feeling when you’re sitting down to a blank blog post and you know you should write something but you don’t really want to and everything that you type is lacks flow seems vapid and contrived? I hate that stupid fuckass feeling.

So I’ll preface the rest of this entry with stating that this is one of those blog posts and I make no claims that it will shatter your existence or be entertaining.

2012 is over half gone now, and the reason that’s significant to me right now is that 2012 is the Art Year. It’s the year I have given myself to truly focus and attempt to better perfect my crafts, incorporate some marketing and strategy into my process, and professionalize my artwork to enable it to sell better — without losing any my guts while doing so.

In the past when I’ve been asked to show, I’ve basically given the venue what I had on hand and simply put things where they made sense. Yesterday marked the opening of “V”, the first visual art showing in which I intentionally focused on professionalism, marketing, affordability, and designing the visuals around the space.

This is also the first displaying of my successful kickstarter project, Life in a Box, which is the centerpiece of the show.

It looks awesome, and my opening was well attended with good feedback. I really appreciated that each piece got a similar amount of favortism, with Life in a Box as a slight standout. That lends me toward the belief that the show in its entirety is the caliber I want it to be. However, nothing’s sold yet! I am hoping that will change.

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The show is up until the second week of August, and nearly everything on display is for sale.