“V” — The Poco Show

[singlepic id=4410 w=320 h=240 float=left]Welp, it’s finally here, the show is up.

The installation logistically went well, though it took a lot longer than I would have liked. Many thanks to Chris Rudesill for dropping by and lending a hand towards the end. Chris also stepped in to help with the frame for Life in a Box, on a pretty tight schedule, after many design nightmares that precluded the hanging solution from being as technical as I originally wanted.

Visually, the art looks pretty damn good. Poco is a small but tall space, and I couldn’t help but feel a little emasculated with how compact some of the larger pieces looked once they were hung. They felt much bigger when I was schlepping them around. 😛

The lighting as well as the finish on the walls could use some fine tuning for sure, which is apparent even more in the iPhone pictures I took than in person. I hope they eventually do polish up, but it felt about right for Poco being a Wine Bar/Gallery, rather than the other way around.

[singlepic id=4412 w=320 float=right mode=caption]Some highlights:

  • This show, “V”, illustrates 5 distinct art styles of mine: Swirl painting, Bubbles painting, Bloodwork, Photographs printed on aluminum, and Canvas prints which I hand stretched and  embellished with acrylics.
  • I utilized the space more creatively as far as anything I’ve seen there, including using vinyl decals to announce the show on a sliding wall that otherwise has been unusable.
  • Adding to the presentation and depth of the technical effort here, the labels by each piece of art are laser cut acrylic, which I designed and cut with the machine myself at Metrix Create:Space.
  • My bloodwork installation looks particularly amazing when it’s dark outside. Upstairs, along the bench seats!
  • I’m also showing photography, near the patio door.
  • As is the usual for me, at the last minute I got distracted by inspiration — and a unique visual style as well. Be sure to check out the bathroom if you go see the show, which will be up until August.

Poco Wine Room (http://www.pocowineroom.com)
1408 East Pine St (between 14th and 15th)
Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 322-9463