Life in a Box – Update

Hello Life in a Box backers and enthusiasts,

I’m excited to let you know that I’ve just ordered the materials needed to do my own canvas printing and stretching for Life in a Box!

After comparing multiple price quotes for printing the project that literally wiped out the projects budget (the online promotional price I was originally quoted was no longer available once Kickstarters funding came through), I’ve decided to purchase stretcher bars and canvas directly, and to print and stretch the project myself at Metrix Create Space in Seattle, WA.

This is a really cool development for multiple reasons:

  1. Self-printing will ensure I have some money left over to create a hanging solution and to purchase the epoxy/acrylic mediums I want to use to finish the canvases.
  2. Self printing provides me the opportunity for a much more enriching experience in creating these pieces of artwork. I get to be part of the entire process and take advantage of the chance to learn a new set of marketable skills.
  3. Metrix is a small local Seattle business that I am pleased to support financially as well as become more familiar with for future projects.
  4. The in-progress pictures are sure to be a hell of a lot cooler now!

As of now, the estimated cost of printing the canvases has gone from $650 online ($5 more than Kickstarter net) to $393, while estimating 2 additional feet of canvas printing for testing and trial/error and 6 hours of time at Metrix working on the project.

Sounds pretty good to me.