Little old Lady in Pasadena

I hear periodically that I’m little, though I don’t feel little by any stretch, and I’m currently in Pasadena, and I’m so getting old, so.. there you go.

I’ve been pretty busy since passing through Sacramento and heading to Vegas. Facebook is being updated periodically and I’m racking up the foursquare points, but as far as journal entries and online expression that requires wireless access, laptop power and the time/energy to author more than a sentence or so, I’ve been pretty lacking for the most part.

Defcon 19 was great. 18 was a bit better for me in terms of convention energy, but the party I went to this year was way swankier. It’s somewhat ridiculous how much money gets dumped into this scene now that so many key players have grown up and gotten rich. It’s been a very interesting 16 year path, and I love reconnecting with that community on a consistent basis, even if it’s only once or twice a year at conventions.

I made my gas money home massaging at DC and enough extra to get a mani-pedi to offset the horrific treatment of my hands and feet over the weekend in Vegas, which included a night in high heels that ended up in my hands for the 1/2 mile walk back to the Rio at something like 4am Saturday morning. 😛

Yesterday was a fair bit of hauling around in the car and running errand like things, but I did finally get a chance to lay by a pool and pick up some color after busting my ass for 3 days massagingg in Vegas. I am noticing the vitamin D — even though I generally dislike this place, I’m pretty balanced and serene about it. I also got to hang out with Matt and sit with him for a bit while he got an infusion, which I appreciated being able to share with him, because clearly, I am fucking weird.

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I slept until noon today, got my nails and feet done, ate some awesome food at Oh Happy Day, and am currently enjoying the hell out of a Starbucks and a little taste of home. Which is somewhat funny, because I actually discovered Starbucks when I still lived out here. So it’s a bit of a mishmash of carefree summer when I was 15 and drinking vanilla lattes, and a sense of comfort and home of the decaf Americano I now have between massages at work in Pioneer Square.

I think I’m going to have to add Starbucks to another of my guilty fandoms, like Justin Timberlake and Beiber and Twilight (the second movie). It doesn’t matter where the fuck I am, if I can find a Starbucks, I know I can find a good coffee, some internet, and a comfortable place to kill some time.

I’m still thinking about what it was like to go back to where I lived in Wilton. It was such an intense and also subtle experience to be out there, with so little having changed in 20 years. The cavities in my body well up with a full emptiness just scratching the surface of it, and it’s impressive to me how much profundity and sadness is there.

I know it will take me a few hours and a lot of energy to post about that, and I will, and it will be good and I will enjoy it. But for now, and for one of the very few times during my trip, I am simply relaxing, in amazing weather, with a smile on my face, and no place in particular I need to be.