Healing resources

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” – Cynthia Occelli

You are more powerful than what was done to you.

  • The circumstantial basis for mental illness: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/12205847/Mental-illness-mostly-caused-by-life-events-not-genetics-argue-psychologists.html
  • Science proving what empaths have known for centuries — Our ancestors trauma informs our genetics: http://discovermagazine.com/2013/may/13-grandmas-experiences-leave-epigenetic-mark-on-your-genes
  • The nature of addiction: http://www.theatlantic.com/notes/2015/11/the-opposite-of-addiction-is-connection/414418/
  • The rat park http://cocaine.org/cocaine-addiction/what-the-cocaine-addiction-rat-studies-reveal/
  • The Shamanic view of mental illness http://www.jaysongaddis.com/the-shamanic-view-of-mental-illness/

Here are a few of the impactful experiences I’ve had which have supported me in my growth:

  • Massage. So much of my journey has involved figuring out the importance of nonsexual, nurturing touch.
  • The Landmark Forum. The structure around the excellent education is a cultish and aggressive pyramid scheme. If you are able to look past that, go for the empowering kick in the ass.
  • The Grief Recovery Method. My experience with the book and exercises combined with sessions with a trained specialist continue to help me to complete trauma in my life. I am also a certified specialist in the method.
  • Vipassana Meditation. If you have plateaued in your growth or want to start at the deep end of felt-sense healing, I highly recommend it. Beware of the compassion baiting; Anger is a teacher, too.
  • Nonviolent Communication – life enriching communication skills to help you stay calm and compassionate even in the most trying circumstances. The process helps build your emotional vocabulary, and provides a framework so you can more clearly communicate your feelings, hopes, and what you want in ways that make it easier for others to hear you.
  • Systemic Constellations – a healing modality, which combines felt sense, grief recovery, and human witness.

Here are a few of the books and intellectual resources which helped prepare me for those experiences:

  • Recommended Books (Amazon list)
  • Brené Browns‘ work studying shame and vulnerability.
  • Tarot – What one perceives of art, particularly of art incorporating archetypical elements and symbolism, is a gateway into their perspective and own inner wisdom. For more context regarding my general stance on magic/religion, this piece by Morgan Claire Sirene reflects many of my thoughts well.

I can be contacted here

Take care of you,